Thursday, August 2, 2007

I like chick sue me.

Moulin Rouge - Truth. Beauty. Freedom. Love.

The Notebook - Bring a box of Kleenex.

The Phantom of the Opera - A love story set in Paris.

I love this song and the person it is about

The Movie We Thought We'd Hate

We only went to this movie because our friends wanted to. We both thought we would hate it and that it looked dumb. Oh how wrong we were. It is now our favorite movie of the year, and we can't wait to go back and see it again. John Travolta as a woman - hilarious! There were better songs than this one, but this is the only one that had a link to embed it in the post.

Don't Watch If You Worship Harry Potter

I like Harry Potter, don't get me wrong, but this was just too good to pass up.

(Disclaimer: After YouTube videos end, it shows little links at the bottom that relate to the subject. In this case, I noticed one whose title is a little offensive. I apologize. Don't worry, it doesn't show anything, just the title is offensive.)