Thursday, August 2, 2007

I like chick sue me.

Moulin Rouge - Truth. Beauty. Freedom. Love.

The Notebook - Bring a box of Kleenex.

The Phantom of the Opera - A love story set in Paris.

I love this song and the person it is about

The Movie We Thought We'd Hate

We only went to this movie because our friends wanted to. We both thought we would hate it and that it looked dumb. Oh how wrong we were. It is now our favorite movie of the year, and we can't wait to go back and see it again. John Travolta as a woman - hilarious! There were better songs than this one, but this is the only one that had a link to embed it in the post.

Don't Watch If You Worship Harry Potter

I like Harry Potter, don't get me wrong, but this was just too good to pass up.

(Disclaimer: After YouTube videos end, it shows little links at the bottom that relate to the subject. In this case, I noticed one whose title is a little offensive. I apologize. Don't worry, it doesn't show anything, just the title is offensive.)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Ruth...Baby Ruth!

Welcome to Dream Date. This week we will be selecting your dream man from the 1985 hit movie, "The Goonies".

Behind Door #1 - Mikey!
Mikey is your dreamy guy because he is a leader. He doesn't let his asthma get in the way of tracking down mobsters, getting treasure, and kissing a girl in the dark. (Plus one day he'll be friends with Froto.)

Behind Door #2 - Data!
Data is your dreamy guy because he is smart. He knows how to make a lot of things, including a complicated way to let Chunk in the yard, a belt that lifts him through the air, and a dad who looks just like him.

Behind Door #3 - Chunk!
Chunk is your dreamy guy because he is soft. He loves candy, and isn't afraid to show his emotion when he finds a dead guy in a freezer while searching for ice cream.

Behind Door #4 - Sloth!
Sloth is your dreamy guy because its whats on the inside that counts. He enjoys watching TV while chained up, enjoys Baby Ruth candy bars, can break out of said chains, and can throw his own mom off of an old pirate ship.

Behind Door #5 - One Eyed Willy!
O.E.W. is your dreamy guy because he is rich. With all that treasure, and only one living person to spend it on, you'll be livin' it up. Plus he will laugh at all your jokes, just look at that toothy grin!

Demotivation is the name of the game: Part 1

Yes! Finally!

My Top 5 Commercials

These are the commercials that I won't TiVo through. And that means a lot. I couldn't find some of my favorites, but here are the ones I could find. (These are in no particular order.)

#1) Sierra Mist Comb-Over

#2) Diet Mountain Dew - Ferret

#3) Starburst - Berries and Cream

#4) Albertson's - The Power of a Good Meal

#5) If I give the title, you'll get the punchline before it starts

They've Made A Huge Mistake

FOX should have NEVER cancelled Arrested Development. It has to be the funniest show on earth. This scene will be among many that will show up among my favorite things. A little background info for the poor souls who haven't yet experienced AD: The four people in the clip are siblings, and the guy in glasses is the youngest, Buster. He is the ultimate momma's boy and never says anything mean about his mom. Ever. He worships her. That is why this clip is so funny.

I'm into artsy movies

For those of you who see the R rating in the preview and think I've gone off the deep end: Don't worry. The rating was actually changed to PG-13, I even checked the box before I posted this.

This movie was beautiful. Rachel Weisz is one of my favorite actresses. I liked this movie not only for its aesthetic value, but because the storyline made me think about life. My favorite quote from the movie: "Death is awe." You'd have to see the show for an in depth explanation about this quote, but I am still thinking about it. I think I'll watch this show again.

It's Alive!!

I started this as an appendage to my other blog at the suggestion of my husband. I was originally going to dedicate it to my favorite media (songs, video clips, funny commercials, etc.) but have since decided to incorporate many of my favorite things, media or not. It is mainly for my enjoyment, but feel free to enjoy it too.