Monday, July 23, 2007

Ruth...Baby Ruth!

Welcome to Dream Date. This week we will be selecting your dream man from the 1985 hit movie, "The Goonies".

Behind Door #1 - Mikey!
Mikey is your dreamy guy because he is a leader. He doesn't let his asthma get in the way of tracking down mobsters, getting treasure, and kissing a girl in the dark. (Plus one day he'll be friends with Froto.)

Behind Door #2 - Data!
Data is your dreamy guy because he is smart. He knows how to make a lot of things, including a complicated way to let Chunk in the yard, a belt that lifts him through the air, and a dad who looks just like him.

Behind Door #3 - Chunk!
Chunk is your dreamy guy because he is soft. He loves candy, and isn't afraid to show his emotion when he finds a dead guy in a freezer while searching for ice cream.

Behind Door #4 - Sloth!
Sloth is your dreamy guy because its whats on the inside that counts. He enjoys watching TV while chained up, enjoys Baby Ruth candy bars, can break out of said chains, and can throw his own mom off of an old pirate ship.

Behind Door #5 - One Eyed Willy!
O.E.W. is your dreamy guy because he is rich. With all that treasure, and only one living person to spend it on, you'll be livin' it up. Plus he will laugh at all your jokes, just look at that toothy grin!

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